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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Picture6All but 2 of our local Leagues have responded to our requests for information about local youth programs. We are excited about many of the new programs Leagues are organizing. Watch on the Youth Page of the state League website for more information on the many programs. Maybe your local League would like to replicate one of the programs – give a call for help!

Students Inside Albany Conference (April 14-17, 2013)

SIA remains the youth program in which the majority of the local Leagues participate. Information with suggestions for recruitment of students for 2013 SIA (April 14-17) was emailed to all local leagues in late September. We have set a maximum limit this year of 60 students (6 more than attended this year).

A League cannot send more than two students; the first student is free (except for cost of transportation) and the 2nd student will cost $600. In addition however, each of the ILOs will be able to send a student if that youth comes from an area in which there is no local League.

Each local League must tell the state League office (email or call 518-465-4162) if they are sending a student or two students (not names, just numbers for now) by Dec. 15 to reserve a spot. The forms to be completed by the student selected will be emailed next week and must be submitted to the state office by February 15, 2013.


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