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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN

President’s Message

Judie Gorenstein

This is my last message as LWVNYS President. Serving as president for the past two years has been an honor. Previously I have written about our challenges, our goals, and our accomplishments. We were only able to accomplish all we did because of you as members.

I thank each of you for your contributions, whether it be paying your annual dues, joining committees, taking a leadership role and serving on your local boards, contributing new ideas, or making donations.

Working together in our own Leagues, with other Leagues, with LWVNYS , with LWVUS and networking with other groups and organizations has helped us gain influence, visibility, and move ahead in our mission.


I will be leaving the presidency, but not certainly not LWV.

  League of Women Voters is a trusted respected organization that is more needed now than ever. Let us all make a commitment to remain involved.

 We must continue to fight not just for Women’s rights and equality but for human rights and equality. We are not for Women only. We need to meet challenges but always adhere to our nonpartisan and DEI policies.

 Voting rights and their expansion is crucial for our democracy to flourish. Voter services are the core of the LWV. We must continue to register, educate voters and Get Out The Vote.

N   Networking is more important than ever. It enables us to grow in power and influence.  It enables us to engage underserved communities and have them gain power and influence.

Y  Youth are our future. Youth are getting more involved. Youth understand the threats to our environment and democracy. We must continue to engage, educate, and empower our Youth.


I look forward to seeing many of you at the LWVNYS Convention on June 2-4. It will be a wonderful opportunity to work together, to learn together, to share ideas to hear from our speakers, to have fun, and to move forward with a new program, new budget, and a new board member.

The 2021-2023 LWVNY board was excellent but I have confidence that the 2023-2025 can be even better building on our strengths and working with LWVUS and all of our leagues and members. Yes, the LWVNYS can and will Empower Voters and Defend Our Democracy.


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