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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN

Not Too Early to Schedule 2017 Lobby Visits

As in the last few years, we are asking local Leagues to set up appointments with their local legislators to lobby for League issues in their home districts during the legislative break, which this year is the middle two weeks of April,, after the state budget is done. If more then one local League is covered by the member, please try and coordinate to have as many Leagues involved as possible.

These meetings are very important and they give the legislators an opportunity to learn about League positions from their constituents. Ask for 1⁄2 an hour, but be willing to take less and seeing a staff person is fine.  We will be sending out information and response forms for the visits later in the session.

Lobby Day 2017

Mark your calendars for Lobby Day 2017 on April 25 in Albany. We will hear from our issue specialists on “hot topics” and coordinate visits with your own legislators to lobby on issues.


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