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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN

LWUVS Advocacy Legislative Office Hours

To provide more direct support to Leagues this coming year, the LWVUS Advocacy team will be officially launching Legislative Office Hours, linked here. This is a regular space to open our virtual offices and listen to and support your legislative work. To start, we will be hosting these office hours on the second and last Thursdays of every month, from 3 – 4pm ET. To accommodate all who may be interested, please plan on having the meetings last up to 15 minutes. If you plan on calling about specific positions or bills, please contact us at with an email subject “Leg Office Hours,” a brief description of what you wish to discuss, and any documents/attachments. This will ensure our team can come to our meeting as prepared as possible.

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