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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN

IMPORTANT LWVNY Advocacy Phone call Tuesday January 31 7PM

Date:  JANUARY 31

TIME:  7:00 pm

CALL IN:  800-582-3014

CODE;  87721689

Thank you for being a member of  the League of Women Voters.  You have allied yourself with thousands of other concerned citizens who believe that “Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport”.

The League will soon be 100 years old.  This organization has been providing opportunities for political action since women got the vote.

At this critical time in our political lives, we would like to speak to the members about League action.

We would particularly like to  speak to new members about what doors may be opened  by your membership in this active, respected and diverse organization.

We would like to know from new members:

  • How do you hope to use the League to make your impact on politics?
  •   Are you looking to learn from experienced League members?
  •  Are you hoping to socialize and interact with people who care about issues you care about?
  • Or did you join without intending to personally engage but to show  support for others doing vital League work?

We would like to hear from  established members about their experiences with advocacy in the League, and how we can better use our collective power to effectuate change in our governments.

There are MANY ways to be a League member and many levels of engagement open to members and they’re all good!  How can we help make the League work for YOU?

On the call, you will meet our State President, Dare Thompson.  Then we we will talk about the multitude of ways in which the League can help you engage in political life.

Soon, we will have another conference call to talk about some of the nuts and bolts workings of the League. At that time, we will talk about how we can help you understand the way the League works-how it’s different from a political party or Common Cause, Sierra Club and other advocacy groups.

Please let me know if you will be on the call.  Contact information is below.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Carol Mellor

Grassroots Lobby Director

The League of Women Voters of New York State


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