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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


New York State
The League of Women Voters of NYS is among the more than 280 organizations that has signed on to the ten-point Women’s Equality Agenda as announced today on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s website.
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The League of  Women  Voters is very involved with state planning meetings across the country. So, what’s on the agenda for New York State? We’ve compiled a primer that states our positions and concerns for upcoming meetings. 
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LWV Womens March
Lobby Day: All leagues are invited to participate in these meetings, which will be held in Albany on Feb. 5th. General advocacy training will be given to interested leaguers. The group will receive updates from Issues Specialists, particularly on the 2013 Legislative Agenda.
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Voting is a fundamental right.  Yet here in New York State, we continue to have one of the lowest rates of voter participation in the nation.
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