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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Nassau County
Laura Curran and George Maragos debate the issues to help us decide which candidate should represent the county in the upcoming election against Republican Jack Martins in the general election on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. LWV of Nassau County would like to thank Michael Peters of PATV ( for the wonderful video.
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Candidates for both the New York State Assembly and Senate squared up at a Meet The Candidates forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of Huntington at the Harborfields Public Library in Greenlawn Monday night.
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We cover the history of the Long Beach NY branch of the League of Women Voters of Nassau County. Meet league members and learn what drives them to reach out to their communities. Author Central Nassau View all posts
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League of Women Voters invited the Third Congressional District Democratic primary candidates to the Cold Spring Harbor Public Library to discuss their positions. The New York’s 3rd Congressional District is a battleground district in 2016. Five Democratic candidates will compete in the race to replace Israel: Anna Kaplan, Jon Kaiman, Steven Stern, Tom Suozzi, and...
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Senate District 9 Candidate Forum Long Beach, NY 04/07/16 All candidates were invited; Todd Kaminsky(D) and Laurence (Seth) Hirsch (GRN) attended; Christopher McGrath (R) had a scheduling conflict. This forum was hosted by the Long Beach branch of Nassau County League of Women Voters.
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The issue of guns and violence in our neighborhoods hits us whenever we pick up a newspaper or turn on our TV.  We read about it, we talk about it and the question of what to do about it was the subject of the League of Women Voters of Southwest Nassau meeting at the Elmont Memorial...
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These numbers indicate the important work we did and do with student voter registrations. Very impressive numbers!  Thanks to everyone! TOTALS 9 High Schools visited 1374 students contacted 930 registration forms collected 675 students agreed to three follow up contacts and provided email, cell phone numbers or home addresses 43 classes visited 196 hours of contact time in...
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This week we conclude with the advancements made by Citizens Union and the League of Women Voters of  New York State. 6. What criteria must be considered by the Commission in the drawing of district lines? In addition to the threshold requirements that proposed districts be contiguous, compact and as close to equal in size as...
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2. How will the ten-member independent commission (“the Commission”) be appointed? Each of the four legislative leaders will appoint two members, and two additional members will be appointed by a vote of not less than five of the original eight members. These two additional members will not have been enrolled in either of the two...
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