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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


The Leagues
Convention is coming and there's loads to do for our 100th anniversary. Learn more ...
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LWVNY Convention Museum Event
Even though local Leagues are limited as to the number of voting delegates they can send, members are welcome to attend as non-voting delegates or observers. And, we have a great line-up of speakers on civil discourse, youth and civics, and women’s suffrage history.
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Important dates to remember for the League of Women Voter's Convention.
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The League of Women Voters of Port Washington-Manhasset wishes to honor our members. The keynote speaker will be Yurij Rudensky, Brennan Center of Justice Redistricting Expert. RSVP and buy your tickets for this event online.
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Thursday-June 28, 2018 As League members from around the country descended on Chicago, our pre-Con day kicked off with an advocacy and organizing training. Hundreds of League attendees participated in a lively, candid, and productive conversation about how we can best mobilize and organize for success in this challenging new environment. This Wellstone Action training...
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Friday-June 29, 2018 Our first plenary session kicked off with a message from Toni Preckwinkle, president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Welcoming the League to Chicago, she spoke about the “precarious time in our nation’s history” and urged leaders to take action in this moment. Democracy is both the best and most fragile...
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Saturday-June 30, 2018 The morning kicked off with an update from the Credentials Committee by Jill Althage who reported the total number of voting delegates 865. The report was accepted by unanimous consent. After LWVUS Secretary Toni Zimmer delivered the previous day’s activities we heard from Deborah Turner LWVUS board member about the Diversity, Equity,...
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Sunday-July 1, 2018 Our final day of Convention plenary kicked off with our final Credentials Committee Report. A total of 762 Leagues (including ILOs) were represented with 867 voting delegates from 49 states plus the District of Columbia. The report was accepted by unanimous consent. Carrie Davis the Democracy Program Director for The Joyce Foundation...
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