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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


The Leagues
Nancy Rosenthal, VP for Voter Services June 27, 2023 Primary Election Mark the date: Tuesday, June 27 Primary Election for county and local races. Log on to to find out if you have a Primary in your county or town.   Note the following dates and deadlines: Saturday, June 17-Sunday, June 25: Early voting. Check your...
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St. Lawrence County St. Lawrence County Board member Donna Seymour is the recipient of the...
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Sally Robinson, VP for Issues and Advocacy, Erica Smitka, Deputy Director, New York State Budget...
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There is only one week to bid in our spring auction! By participating, you can...
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Judie Gorenstein This is my last message as LWVNYS President. Serving as president for the...
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Diversity Equity and Inclusion Team
Regina Tillman, 3rd Vice President for DEI Crystal Joseph, DEI Task Force Co-Chair It is...
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On Monday, March 27, 2023, LWV Central Nassau participated in a private tour of Raynham Hall, a historical site in Oyster Bay, where we were introduced to the Townsend family from before the Revolutionary War. The family history included the story of Liss, an enslaved girl through events during the war as well as her...
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All League roster updates are due in the Roster Manager Portal by Jan. 31. To ensure your roster is up to date, any members considered active on 31 must have a membership status of “Active.” Members not active as of Jan. 31 should have a membership status of “Inactive.” The support section of the Roster...
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Annual League Survey Update Thank you to the 586 Leagues who completed the Annual League Survey. We received an impressive 77% response rate, an increase compared to previous years. Thank you to everyone who took the time to not only respond to the survey but also to track their information. The LWVUS evaluation team has...
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On May 21st and 22nd, the League hosted our first-ever virtual Students Inside Albany Conference. Although last year we invited students who had been selected before the pandemic to join us for an afternoon of learning about state government, this was the first time the League has ever arranged a full conference including speakers and...
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