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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


President’s Message
As we all listen to maybe way-too-much chatter about the Mueller Report, we can be grateful for the way it is refreshing everyone’s awareness of the fundamental importance of our voting system in our democracy. In New York the new election law reforms mean that we are hyper-focused on both halves of our League mission statement, “Empowering...
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Written by Dare Thompson, It’s finished!  No, not the Mueller investigation, though I’m sure you’ve been paying attention to that.  I’m talking about our centennial history book titled “A Force to Reckon With.”  We’ve read through it one last time to catch typos and other small mistakes, but it’s now out of our hands...
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Election Day, and the days leading up to it, were filled with celebrations of the women’s suffrage centennial that were exciting and educational. On Saturday, November 4th, a conference was held in Albany at the NYS Museum on the centennial and women’s issues today. Jennifer Wilson and I both coordinated and moderated panel discussions during...
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For almost two days of intense small group discussions, scribbling on big sheets of paper, sending friendly spies to get info from other small groups, voting some big ideas up or down, laughing, swapping League stories, and eating wonderful food, a group of 30 League leaders from all parts of the US met last week...
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My husband. Doug, and I are heading off soon to help chaperone Students Inside Albany – our second time! – and I encourage all of you who are sending students to make sure you use the stories and pictures they bring back to promote the good work the League does. It is truly a rare and...
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Whew!  April 19th has come and gone (along with the presidential candidates) and now we’re left with outrage about purged voters, poorly trained workers at many polling sites, and – on clear display this year – our very restrictive NY election laws. Finally everyone could see how wrong it is that if you want to...
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Hope everyone had a great Holiday season! January will find us making important decisions on our League’s positions on term limits and ballot access. Studies have been completed on each of these issues and it is now time for our League to decide our position on each which will be forwarded to the state office...
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Here we are, September, and a very full next few months ahead.  We have the September 9, 2014 primary with the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor the only primary races for Nassau County residents. On September 16th, our League has a general meeting to discuss issues we see and the candidates see for the...
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Here it is we thought we might give our newsletter editor, Alisa, a bit of a summer reprieve, but League work goes on and you can see by the newsletter there is much information to share! Most importantly is the general meeting on Tuesday, July 29th, 7pm at the Elmont Library on GUNS! This is...
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I’m at cruising altitude, returning home from a few days of skiing with family in Big Sky,  Montana. The conditions and weather could not have been any better! I took a ski lesson my second morning and at lunch that day I commented how my instructor was not so good; yet, as I skied that...
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