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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


On Saturday, June 24, 2023, LWVCN’s own Student Intern Dahlia Solomon was a leader in...
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The League of Women Voters believes that educating and empowering the youth of our country is...
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In early January, police officers killed 29-year-old Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop. In a joint statement, the Leagues of Memphis-Shelby County and the US said: “At the League, we seek a democracy that values and cherishes every person. When our systems continue to enact violence on Black bodies, our democracy is not whole… We...
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Reminder: Jan. 31 Freeze Date, PMP System Still in Effect for 2023 At Convention 2022, delegates voted to eliminate the per-member-payment (PMP) system in the future. Please note that the current PMP system is still in effect for 2023, and League Rosters will freeze on January 31, 2023. With the provisos in the LWVUS bylaws, […]
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Jane Colvin (LWVNYS Board Member), Hello! My name is Jane Colvin and I’m one of five members of the 2022 LWVUS UN Observer Team appointed by President Deborah Turner. I am delighted and honored to be a part of the League’s long and distinguished history with the UN which began in 1945 when President...
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For those of you not on our Salsa list – check out our Be Earthwise campaign! If you haven’t done so already take our Be Earthwise Pledge here and visit our new webpage! Do you want to restore environmental protections weakened by the influence of dark money in political campaigns and powerful corporate lobbyists?  ...
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You can support the League’s Education Foundation with every purchase you make on Just select the LWVNYS Education Foundation as the organization you want to support, and Amazon provides .05% of each purchase price to the EF. An easy way to support us! More info at:
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You want to take action? Keep informed on legislative issues and League action? Join the new google group. See information below or email to sign up.
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