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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Voting Initiatives
Compiled and written by Nancy Rosenthal, Jane Colvin and Sheila Bernson (and Milly Czerwinski, staff) Many thanks to the local Leagues that responded to the 2022 Voter Service Survey! To date, we have tallied the information from 31 Leagues that have responded (that’s 74% of the 42 Leagues!) and know that we will be receiving...
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This past year has been both challenging and rewarding for voter service committees and Leagues throughout the state. With our country becoming more polarized than ever, all our candidate events needed to not only be nonpartisan but perceived as nonpartisan. At the July 2017 board meeting the new board adopted two policies. The policy on”...
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The League sent a memo to members of the Committee on House Administration ahead of the markup of HR 634, the Election Assistance Commission Termination Act. The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is the only federal entity devoted exclusively to improving election administration on a bipartisan basis. At this time the League does not believe terminating...
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The League of Women Voters of the US Education Fund, and the League of Women Voters of NYS Education Foundation conducts voter service and citizen education activities. They are a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organizations, which: Build citizen participation in the democratic process. Study key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased...
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