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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


LWVUS joined LWVMD and 40 other national and local organizations supporting rescission of a resolution that calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, a convention can be called when two-thirds of the states (34) petition for a convention to enact amendments to the constitution. There are no safeguards...
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The NYS Legislature has its opening session on January 4, 2017, and there are transportation issues to address this year. First, a review of 2016: The bad news: two bills we were following failed in the 2016 session.  The O’Mara/Brindisi bill (S5794/A8202) was vetoed by Gov. Cuomo.  Apparently, he did not see the need to...
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As in the last few years, we are asking local Leagues to set up appointments with their local legislators to lobby for League issues in their home districts during the legislative break, which this year is the middle two weeks of April,, after the state budget is done. If more then one local League is...
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The state board approved a new updated Legislative Procedures position at its January meeting which is attached and will be posted on the state website today.  Many thanks to update committee chair, Suzanne Stassevitch of the New York City League and committee members Lorrie Smith (Rensselaer) and Judy Weinstein (Rochester), and to all the local leagues who...
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The national League has been incredibly busy recently issuing statements on voter fraud claims, the pipeline issue and the immigration ban. Follow their statements on their (and our) Facebook page or their website  
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The state League is already hard at work in the Capitol, meeting with legislators, presenting testimony and submitting memoranda. You can visit the state website every day to see what new action has been taken. Also, watch for weekly updates on Capitol Beat, a blog written by Barbara Bartoletti, LWVNYS Legislative Director, and Jennifer Wilson, LWVNYS...
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LWVNY continues to strive to help our local leagues run successful candidate nights and also successful voter registration drives.  More people than ever before appear to be paying attention to the election process.  The LWV continues to get accolades about how well we run candidate debates/forums.  Our Road to the Voting Booth has been a...
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Legislative Agenda Booklets The 2017 Legislative Agenda is now available and posted on the state website. Copies have been mailed to each local League. Additional copies are available by contacting Katrina at the state office at 518-465-4162 NEW Advocacy Google Groups!! The NYS League has set up two Advocacy based Google Groups. Members of the groups...
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We’re pleased to announce a new Money in Politics Action Kit, developed by LWVUS Board member Amy Hjerstedt and MIP co-chair Barbara Zia. The kit provides tools for both seasoned leaders and newcomers, League members and nonmembers alike, to take action related to reforming money in politics. Other issue-related toolkits will be considered in the...
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The 57th State League Convention is scheduled for June 10-11, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Express in Liverpool, NY (just off the Thruway near Syracuse). We will be sending out the registration kits in late February. In the meantime, we need some help from our local Leagues and members. Field Trip! To celebrate women achieving the...
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