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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


September 26 is National Voter Registration Day. Most local Leagues and other organizations are organizing voter registration drives on this day. Contact your local League and offer to help out and register voters! Let’s get everyone registered to vote! Author Central Nassau View all posts
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Saturday, August 26th, is Women’s Equality Day, the day the 19th Amendment was certified granting women the right to vote nationwide. Be sure to tweet, post or share info to celebrate this date! Watch for postings by the state League that you can share and repost.
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One of the most pleasant tasks of being state board president is visiting local Leagues all over this amazing state of ours. While the glow has not yet faded from my last visit – in this case, to the Schuyler County LWV in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes – let me share all the things that...
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[It is important] for all of us to make our state and local Leagues more effective by being more comfortable with new, nimble ways of doing things, while still being firmly committed to being nonpartisan. I am eager for change (hard though it is) but I find myself struggling with our nonpartisan policy when so...
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I write this from outside Washington, DC where Judie Gorenstein (VP, Voter Services) and I are among the 1 or 2 delegates from each of 42 (!) states – from Alaska to Florida – that are here for the LWVUS Council. The whole 3-day event is devoted to transforming the League for our next century...
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Deadline: May 31, 2017 Before They Were Our Mothers: Voices of Women Born Before Rosie Started Riveting seeking first-person, present-tense TRUE stories giving voice to the author’s mother or grandmother born before World War II. Review specific guidelines:
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May has been a busy month for the League. We have been ramping up our advocacy efforts and our hard work is finally paying off! This month the Assembly passed several of our priority bills: Single Payer, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, single June primary, and legislation to include e-cigarettes under the Clean Indoor Air...
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For those of you not on our Salsa list – check out our Be Earthwise campaign! If you haven’t done so already take our Be Earthwise Pledge here and visit our new webpage! Do you want to restore environmental protections weakened by the influence of dark money in political campaigns and powerful corporate lobbyists?  ...
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What a whirlwind these last few days have been for me as League president and how proud I’ve been of all of us – and of our past, present, and future. Our past includes being a training ground and a life-long connection for Eleanor Roosevelt who served on the state board in its early years. It...
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