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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


We thank all those local Leagues who voted on our annual budget and sent directions to the board in advance of our June 7th Council. 23 local Leagues participated. A total of 170 proxy votes would be available if all Leagues participated, with 17 (10%) needed to constitute a quorum. The 84 qualified proxy votes...
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CANDIDATE EVENTS ESSENTIALS EACH AND EVERY CANDIDATE EVENT, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS NAMED, MUST ABIDE BY WRITTEN POLICY Develop a comprehensive written Candidate Event policy reviewed annually by the Board that includes: Non-partisan statement. Prohibition against empty chair debates (LWVNY adopted policy July 2017). Recording policy. Criteria for Candidate inclusion (LWVNY recommends only including...
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If you are no longer President or on your local League board, please forward this to the appropriate board member – and be sure that your League has submitted the changes in your board to the state office. Local League To Do’s (email: or call 518-465-4162) Complete and return the Local League Update form...
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Regional Training Meetings, April 2018 It was great to see so many League members and friends at the 3 regional training workshops held this spring (Schenectady, Cortland and Rochester). The discussions were terrific and Leagues shared great ideas and activites with each other to make us all stronger. The handouts from the workshops are available...
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Thank you to everyone who attended our lobby day this week! We had representatives from all over the state including Utica Rome, Rochester, North County, Mid-Hudson, Albany, Saratoga, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and New Castle. A total of 55 members attended the trainings and conducted lobby visits with more than 16 legislators. Our members were trained by...
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If you weren’t at one of our regional meetings in Schenectady, Cortland or Rochester, you missed some good times and some even better conversations about a wide range of issues. We have so much to learn from one another and we thank all who came. At lunch at all three gatherings we talked with all...
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In real estate the mantra may be “Location, location, location,” but for the League and for most organizations, nonprofit or otherwise, it’s “relationships, relationships, relationships.” Whether you need to get a bill passed (or blocked), recruit or retain members, raise money, or simply re-energize your inner Concerned Citizen, you definitely won’t get far without building...
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The first of THREE centennial years is heading fast into its peak month because it was on November 6, 1917 that suffragists officially triumphed here in NY. We certainly hope you know about Saturday, November 4 when an exhibit, “Votes for Women: Celebrating New York’s Suffrage Centennial,” will open at our State Museum in Albany...
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Election Day is almost here! I want to thank all of our members and local Leagues for the amazing work you’ve been doing during this election season. Voters are asking for more information, and you all are stepping up to provide nonpartisan, educational materials. We have had a numerous calls and emails in the office...
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Happy fall, friends! League work is never more valuable than right now, and we really appreciate all of you who are registering voters, distributing Voters Guides and our new Constitutional Convention brochure, moderating candidate events, and holding forums on the ballot issues. Don’t forget to share our information in your local papers, radio and TV...
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