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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Jennifer Wilson, In 2017/2018 21 Leagues held approximately 109 voter registration drives where they registered approximately 3,665 voters. They participated in 123 naturalization ceremonies where they registered 10,026 new voters. Additionally, Leagues have been making major strides to engage with more high schools – Leagues visited approximately 28 high schools where they registered 713...
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Judie Gorenstein, Leagues throughout New York are extremely busy preparing and running voter registration drives, candidate events, and hopefully working on ways to turn out the vote. To help in this very challenging year, an edited and updated Road to the Voting Booth Part II and also Toolkit for running candidate events has been...
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Laura Ladd Bierman, Voting is LIVE! The state League’s electronic voter guide is now live for the September primary. Only candidates that are included in the primary are in the guide. All candidates for the November election will be included after the primary. A Toolkit with sample press releases, logo, links, etc is...
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Dare Thompson, I’m writing this at the State Fair – at the League’s voter registration corner in the Art and Home Center. I’m surrounded by flyers, forms, stickers, and buttons that Laura and Jen set up earlier, and there’s a big list of League people from all over who’ve signed up for shifts during...
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So much for those lazy, hazy days of summer we used to know! If your local League is like mine, you are having a surge of interest in the critical work we do that you haven’t seen for years, maybe ever. Voter registration, candidate events, forums on immigration and other hot topics, and more are...
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So much for those lazy, hazy days of summer we used to know!  If your local League is like mine, you are having a surge of interest in the critical work we do that you haven’t seen for years, maybe ever. Voter registration, candidate events, forums on immigration and other hot topics, and more are...
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Membership Team: LWVNYS board members Betty Ann King (North Country), Suzanne Stassevitch (NYC), Dare Thompson (Mid-Hudson) plus off-board members Susan Schwarz (Rivertowns and Westchester Co. ILO), Lisa Scott (Smithtown and Suffolk Co. ILO), Kathy Stein (St. Lawrence Co.), and Carole Torok Huxtable (Utica-Rome). Tough political times at least have translated into membership growth and the...
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By January, it became clear to our Leagues throughout the state of New York that our country was suffering from pains of political chaos exacerbated by a level of ignorance regarding how government functions and astonishment that changes at all levels require consistent and active participation. Amidst all of this political unrest exists passion and...
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This past year has been both challenging and rewarding for voter service committees and Leagues throughout the state. With our country becoming more polarized than ever, all our candidate events needed to not only be nonpartisan but perceived as nonpartisan. At the July 2017 board meeting the new board adopted two policies. The policy on”...
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Constitutional Convention Ballot Proposal After discussion and review of the process under which the state board applies League positions to specific action and advocacy, and the precedent of how the League board applied the Constitutional Convention position to the 1997 ballot question, the 2017-2019 State board agreed at its first meeting after Convention 2017 that...
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