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Redistricting News
People Powered Fair Maps™ is a national redistricting program of the League of Women Voters focused on creating fair political maps nationwide in all 50 states + D.C. In June 2019, the US Supreme Court ruled in Rucho v. League of Women Voters of North Carolina that no fair test exists for courts to determine...
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Redistricting is the word currently heard everywhere in government. States are planning their new district maps based on the 2020 census results, with varying results. And, the Nassau County legislature will soon be setting up a redistricting commission based on the requirements of its charter. This is a recurring event that takes place every ten...
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Update on NYS Redistricting Barbara Epstein The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission is scheduled to meet on January 3, at 11 am. The commission must submit a map or maps by January to the legislature. The legislature can reject, amend and request other maps. The legislature would then have until February 15 to agree...
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Attached below are slides from the LWVPWM Redistricting Committee on our work thus far this year (July-December 2021) that was presented at today’s board meeting. The letter from LWVNY Executive Director Laura Bierman about the breakdown of the Independent Redistricting Committee. Presentation Slides Laura Bierman’s Letter  
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New York Redistricting Puzzle
April 29th the League held its first ever People’s Hearing on New York State Redistricting. In total we had 325 attendees on our Zoom webinar and the event’s livestream on Facebook has been viewed more than 750 times. Testifiers gave passionate accounts of how redistricting has impacted their communities of interest and why this redistricting...
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People Powered Fair Maps
Leading with advocacy, public education, and organizing to create fair, transparent, people- powered processes and eliminate partisan and racial gerrymandering in states during the 2021 redistricting process.  People Powered Fair Maps™ is the League’s national redistricting program focused on creating fair political maps in all 50 states and D.C. Since 2019, People Powered Fair Maps...
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