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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


The Nassau County Water Resource Board Must Halt Over-PumpingNewsday’s [May 18, 2015]New York City shelves reopening of Queens wells that share water with Nassau County article is indeed excellent news for Nassau County. But, just because the City has backed-off, doesn’t mean the County’s water worries are over. They are far from over! The article, […]
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The 2015 Groundwater Symposium, December 4th, presented by Water For Long Island (WFLI), (of which the League is a member) was a dialogue on groundwater protection and management for the Long Island region with a focus on considering how a Long Island compact would work. In attendance were several hundred concerned citizens, political leaders and […]
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Dr. Sarah Meyland from New York Institute of Technology is our guest on this second episode of “Water Matters with Marshall Brown,” the web show about water problems on Long Island.
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Newsday’s [May 18, 2015] New York City shelves reopening of Queens wells that share water with Nassau County article is indeed excellent news for Nassau County. But, just because the City has backed-off, doesn’t mean the County’s water worries are over. They are far from over! The article, and the paper’s subsequent editorial [NYC and wells: […]
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Time is running out to protect and manage the aquifers and water supply of Long Island. The Long Island water supply, the groundwater stored beneath all of Long Island, continues to be polluted, wasted and depleted. Seventy percent of New York State is served by one of the three professional management compacts (river basin/watershed commissions)...
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To further our efforts on this crucial representation issue, the League has joined up with three other organizations and named ourselves,  Nassau County United Redistricting Coalition (“Coalition”), an independent non-partisan coalition co-founded by LatinoJustice, Common  Cause New York, La Fuente, and, the League of Women Voters of Nassau County; we have also developed and launched the...
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Common Cause/NY La Fuente-Long Island Civic Participation Project Latino Justice PRLDEF League of Women Voters of Nassau County Long Island Civic Engagement Table Nassau County Chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union
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Thank you for everything all of you did this fall to register voters, distribute voters guides, organize Vote 411 and hold candidate forums for the general election. We also very much appreciate your help and support in our successful effort to pass Proposal 1 on the ballot, reforming how redistricting is done in this state....
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Ruth Radow, a longtime Atlantic Beach resident and environmentalist, and a League member, who helped preserve the village’s beaches and its water supply, died on July 23. She was 88.  Ruth was truly an advocate in the very sense and meaning of the word. As I look at her efforts  that date back to the days...
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