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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


LEAGUE’S STATE CONVENTION IS COMING! Our biennial state League Convention is being held at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool (just outside Syracuse) from June 9-11. All members are welcome to join us, as voting delegates, visitors or just as observers. Come see what the state League is doing – and help determine our leadership and...
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Wednesday, May 17, 7:30 pm Levittown Library Our plan for the evening will be to discuss, among ourselves, some of the ideas, issues and concerns that we all have about today’s world. Because we are a non-partisan organization, there will be no one-sided diatribes, though political issues and opinions will certainly be permitted. We will...
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LWV of Rochester has been busy with forums on voting reforms – and will continue the forums in the future. Following are YouTube links to the  recording (in 3 parts) of our 9/2016 forum on “Voting in Monroe County” presented by our BOE Commissioners – the “seed” from which this plan started.  It’s a really […]
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New Google Discussion Group: Health Care Reform As the fight for health care continues, what is next for advocates at the state and national levels? The LWVUS Board recently approved a new a Google discussion group for Health Care Reform. This discussion and sharing group for League members on health care reform, including behavioral health, […]
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Honor an Inspiring Woman and Celebrate NY Suffrage Centennial It’s almost Mother’s Day and 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of women earning the right to vote in New York State. So this is the perfect time to honor a woman who inspires you by making a gift to the League of Women Voters of NYS […]
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You can help us with our advocacy agenda by downloading our new app on your phone (IPhone or Android). Voices isa political advocacy app that shares action alerts from the League directly to your phone. These action alerts will allow you to quickly call, email, or tweet at your legislator with the touch of a button...
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Advocacy Training/Lobby Day This year’s Lobby Day was a major success! Thank you to all of the members who spent their Tuesday in Albany lobbying for voting reforms, health care, women’s issues, and environmental conservation. Although the day was a bit chaotic, we managed to fit in a very exciting press conference on the need...
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At a luncheon for 50 League members at the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill (, Wylecia Wiggs Harris expressed enthusiasm about her job as CEO of the national League and was honest with us about the significant challenges we face. She was happy to report that at the end of January, even before the full...
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100th Anniversary Dates November 6, 2017                 100th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in New York State November 19, 2019               100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of New York State February 14, 2020              ...
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Earth Day is an event observed annually to demonstrate and promote environmental awareness and call for the protection of our planet. It will be celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. This year’s Earth Day falls on April 22nd. This year’s campaign is Environmental and Climate Awareness. Education is the foundation for progress. We...
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