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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Breaking News
Did You Know? As of February 14, 2017, individuals sixteen and seventeen years of age are eligible to enroll in the New York State Donate Life Registry.  In the event a sixteen or seventeen year old who has joined New York’s donor registry may be considered for donation, the parents or legal guardians of that...
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You can support the League’s Education Foundation with every purchase you make on Just select the LWVNYS Education Foundation as the organization you want to support, and Amazon provides .05% of each purchase price to the EF. An easy way to support us! More info at:
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You want to take action? Keep informed on legislative issues and League action? Join the new google group. See information below or email to sign up.
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The fate of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) now lies with the Supreme Court. For the second time in as many months, the justices are hearing arguments on vital legislation that has encouraged active participation in our democracy for nearly two decades. The League of Women Voters of Arizona is a plaintiff in the...
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Time is running out to protect and manage the aquifers and water supply of Long Island. The Long Island water supply, the groundwater stored beneath all of Long Island, continues to be polluted, wasted and depleted. Seventy percent of New York State is served by one of the three professional management compacts (river basin/watershed commissions)...
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DEADLINES: Apply for absentee ballot in person by Monday, November 3, 2014 Apply for absentee ballot by mail: postmarked by Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Deliver ballot in person by Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Deliver ballot by mail: postmarked by Monday, November 3, 2014; received by Wednesday, November 12, 2014. NEW! Vote 411: Electronic Voter Guide...
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The Nassau County Water Resource Board Must Halt Over-PumpingNewsday’s [May 18, 2015]New York City shelves reopening of Queens wells that share water with Nassau County article is indeed excellent news for Nassau County. But, just because the City has backed-off, doesn’t mean the County’s water worries are over. They are far from over! The article,...
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The 2015 Groundwater Symposium, December 4th, presented by Water For Long Island (WFLI), (of which the League is a member) was a dialogue on groundwater protection and management for the Long Island region with a focus on considering how a Long Island compact would work. In attendance were several hundred concerned citizens, political leaders and...
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Date:  JANUARY 31 TIME:  7:00 pm CALL IN:  800-582-3014 CODE;  87721689 Thank you for being a member of  the League of Women Voters.  You have allied yourself with thousands of other concerned citizens who believe that “Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport”. The League will soon be 100 years old.  This organization has been providing...
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