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Nassau ILO
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Posted on January 23, 2013  by admin Posted in Analysis Nassau United Redistricting Coalition Reform Redistricting Plan for the Nassau County Legislature The Coalition plan, dated January 23, 2013, is the second version of this plan, having benefited from additional comments and suggestions from residents and community groups. The broadening of community input and participation is an important objective to...
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“The League believes campaign finance reform is the pathway to solving other major State problems, including increasing voter participation, enabling candidates to compete more equitably for public office, and lessening the impact of special interests on governmental processes.”
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Posted on January 14, 2013 by admin Posted in Statements/Letters/Press Releases  Redistricting Coalition Presents Non-Partisan Map to the Nassau Legislature Slams partisan gerrymandering and dysfunction in county government MINEOLA, NY (01/14/2013)– In the face of shameless partisanship and self-dealing, the Nassau County United Redistricting Coalition presented its non-partisan redistricting plan to the Nassau County Legislature. The Coalition demanded that the...
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The League of Women Voters of Southwest Nassau has hosted several informational meetings on the Bay Park Sewage Facility.
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All but 2 of our local Leagues have responded to our requests for information about local youth programs. We are excited about many of the new programs Leagues are organizing. Watch on the Youth Page of the state League website for more information on the many programs. Maybe your local League would like to replicate...
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Dear Supporter, 2012 was a busy year. Not only did League volunteers, members, and staff work tirelessly to ensure all eligible citizens were registered and prepared to vote in the November elections, we also worked at the local, state, and national levels on a host of other important issues. Check out what the League accomplished...
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We are all deeply distressed by the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut and share in the country’s grief. As leaders in your community, remember that the League of Women Voters is singularly well suited to gather disparate members of the community together to discuss difficult issues and work to find common ground to solve problems. At...
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On behalf of the League of Women Voters of New York State, Sally Robinson, President of the New York State league, rang the opening bell for NASDAQ on Election Day 2012. She was able to broadcast over Times Square the League’s message about the importance of citizens exercising their right to vote, including these words:
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On behalf of the League of Women Voters of New York State, Sally Robinson, President of the New York State league, rang the opening bell for NASDAQ on Election Day 2012. She was able to broadcast over Times Square the League’s message about the importance of citizens exercising their right to vote, including these words:
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An enthusiastic audience was rewarded at our November 12th meeting with a fascinating breakdown of the Presidential election results delivered by Dr. Chris Malone, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Political Science Department at Pace University, and author of Occupy Wall Street…from New York to the World which will be available at Amazon in January...
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