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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN

A New Look for!

During the week of January 24, the League will launch our brand-new website design! The updated design will highlight our mission and make it even easier to get involved with LWV by:

  • Enhancing the presentation of our four pillars of work: ending voter suppression, expanding voter access, reforming money in politics, and fair redistricting;
  • Showcasing our legal work so users know how we’re fighting for their rights in court;
  • Creating a more thorough search feature so it’s easier to find the content you’re looking for;
  • Easing the donation process;
  • Improving accessibility; and more!

Please note that this major website milestone in January does NOT cover:

  • Website content; or
  • The League Management Site (LMS);

…but upgrades to those parts of the site are also in progress! Stay tuned for more information.

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