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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN


Honor an Inspiring Woman and Celebrate NY Suffrage Centennial

It’s almost Mother’s Day and 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of women earning the right to vote in New York State. So this is the perfect time to honor a woman who inspires you by making a gift to the League of Women Voters of NYS Education Foundation! If you make a Mother’s Day tribute gift by Tuesday, May 9, 2017, we will send a special card to let the person you honored know that you made this gift for them. Click here to make a gift for a special woman in your life:

Monthly Giving

With 2017 marking the 100th anniversary of women earning the right to vote in New York State, this is the perfect time to become a monthly donor to the LWVNYS Education Foundation. Many donors have discovered the ease and opportunity of making monthly gifts to the state League. When you sign up for monthly giving, your gift is charged automatically to your credit card or deducted from your bank account each month, you will no longer get appeal letters so you save paper and postage, and you can often give more to your favorite charities by spreading out your gift than you would be able to give in one lump sum. It’s also a win for your favorite charities because they know they can depend on that income each month and they save on printing and postage.

If you are interested in joining our monthly giving program, click here:

Kate Jankowski,


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